Sunday, June 26, 2016

The Easier Way To Clean Your Interior Oven Glass

 A complete how-to on how to easily clean your interior oven glass in 15 minutes.
I'm here today to share with you my tip to easily clean the interior of your oven glass door. When I say easy, I'm talking 15 minutes from start to finish! 

This is my oven door after a couple of months of baking cakes, cookies, bacon, roasts, chickens, casseroles, etc.. This is also my oven door after running it through a full self-clean cycle. Yeah, not a happy girl! The interior of the oven looks like new but for some reason, it never gets the glass clean at all! 

Grease is still baked and caked onto the glass. I took this as a challenge! How could I get this clean in as few of steps and in as little time as possible?

I gathered up some of my very favorite kitchen cleaning "tools" and got to work.
The Bar Keepers Friend Soft Cleanser is seriously one of my very favorite cleaning products. My stove has a ceramic top and this stuff cleans up cooked on messes without scratching the surface!  I have used it weekly on the stove top for 2 years now and it looks like new! (I am not being paid by, nor am I affiliated with Bar Keepers Friend.  Although, I would not turn away a case of it if it showed up on my doorstep...just saying).

The first step is to tape off the oven glass all around using a good quality painter's tape. Just cover as little of the glass as you can.

You then want to run your fingernail along where the glass meets the door. Why do this? This keeps any liquid from getting inside the glass and the door.  You do not want that!  If you do get any in between, it will require you to take the door apart. Speaking from experience, that is not a one person job and it may result in hair pulling and language not fit for human ears. Trust me, just tape it really good!

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